Insuring your annexe or granny flat's buildings or contents
Having a self-contained granny flat or similar annexe attached or adjacent to your home can present homeowners with a few issues when it comes to arranging appropriate annex insurance or granny flat insurance.
"The annexe is separate from the main house and has its own bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. We needed buildings insurance for the annex and including it under one policy with our home insurance made life easier all round"
When is an annex not an annex?
There are some conditions in respect the specialist granny-flat insurance policy available through QuoteRack, including the requirement for the annex or granny flat to have the same postal address as the main property and they both fall within the same boundary.
Renting out your annex
Further consideration needs to be given to insuring the property correctly if you are renting out an annexe to a tenant and not just a member of your family; under these circumstances, you should consider taking out appropriate rented annex insurance for your self-contained annexe or granny flat.
"My mother lives in the annexe that forms part of our main home but as it is self contained and has its own front door, we needed an annex insurance policy to cover both the buildings and contents"
"Our granny flat is used for visitors and guests and we weren't sure how best to insure it - thankfully it is possible to include the granny flat within our home buildings and contents insurance policy"